Skye Allmang
Senior Associate

About Skye
Skye Allmang is a Senior Associate in the Workforce and Human Services Division with expertise in workforce development policies and programs for youth. She is currently a Project Manager for SPR’s work on the USDOL Navigator Evidence-Building Portfolio and YouthBuild USA TA Impact Study, and plays key roles on several other workforce projects. Prior to coming to SPR, Skye completed her post-doctoral training at Rutgers University, where she focused on gender equity in training and employment, wage theft, and youth job-training program delivery during COVID-19. She also brings experience as a practitioner to her work at SPR, based on her prior experience as a project coordinator for a youth job-training program, a tutor coordinator for a college access program, and a reentry counselor based at a juvenile detention facility in Southern California. She holds a Ph.D in Social Welfare and an MSW from the University of California, Los Angeles, and an MPP from Brandeis University.